Acne & Acne Scar

Service Details

Acne & Acne Scar

We’ll help you banish those pesky pimples for good

  • Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.
  • Effective acne treatments are available, but acne can be persistent. The pimples and bumps heal slowly.
  • Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional distress and scar the skin. The earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of such problems.
  • It is important that these lesions be removed so as to prevent occurrence of more unsightly pimples.
  • Sometimes, acne if not treated early or effectively, may leave behind pitted and atrophic scars which give the face an uneven skin texture.

Triggering factors

  • Hormonal changes. Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Hormone changes during midlife, particularly in women, can lead to breakouts too.
  • Genetics
  • Certain medications. like drugs containing corticosteroids, testosterone or lithium.
  • Diet – Consuming certain foods — including carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, bagels and chips — may worsen acne.
  • Stress. Stress doesn’t cause acne, but if you have acne already, stress may make it worse.
  • Smoking


People with darker skin types are more likely than people with lighter skin to experience these acne complications:

  • Scars. Pitted skin (acne scars) and thick scars (keloids) can remain long-term after acne has healed.
  • Skin changes. After acne has cleared, the affected skin may be darker (hyperpigmented) or lighter (hypopigmented) than before the condition occurred.

Types of Acne

Depending on the severity of your condition:

  • Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
  • Blackheads (open plugged pores)
  • Small red, tender bumps (papules)
  • Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips. 
  • Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
  • Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)
  • Acne usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders.


  • Some female patients with acne also tend to show other features like increased facial hair, hair loss, weight gain which tends to point towards PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome).
  • Some treatment options for PCOS include:
    –  Lifestyle modification
    –  Oral medications
    –  Hormonal pills


Treatments include lifestyle changes.

  • Eating fewer simple carbohydrates such as sugar may minimize the condition.
  • Topical creams for application-Azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid, formulations are commonly used to apply directly to the affected skin. These treatments work by targeting the bacteria that causes acne, reducing inflammation, and unclogging pores.
  • Oral Medications antibiotics and retinoids are available in formulations that are applied to the skin and taken by mouth for the treatment of acne.
  • In some cases early and aggressive treatment of acne is done to decrease the overall long-term impact on individuals.

Treatment of Acne

  • Prescription based creams/serums/lotions
  • Medicated sunscreens
  • Antioxidants
  • Comedone Extraction
  • Clinical Facials
  • Chemical Peels
  • Microdermabrasion(MDA)
  • Laser Treatments


There are various procedures available to improve the appearance of acne scars are:

  • Microneedling with Dermaroller
  • Microneedling RF
  • Deep chemical peel
  • TCA cross
  • Subcision
  • Non ablative fractional laser
  • Fractional CO2 laser
  • Dermal fillers

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